Research Topics

My research group (CAL) and I are interested in various reactions occurring in the universe which affect the evolution and the status of various astrophysical phenomena. We are currently working on nuclear, atomic, and chemical reactions in combination with numerical hydrodynamics including magnetic field and radiation. Applications of these calculations are, for example, stellar evolution, X-ray bursts (XRBs), high velocity clouds (HVCs), and star forming molecular clouds. These phenomena are often closely related to high energy astrophysics and we are members of CHEA (Center for High Energy Astrophysics) @UNIST.

We are also working on theoretical multi-messenger astronomy, in particular, gravitational wave and neutrino astronomy. We are currently participating in two Japan-leading international collaborations, KAGRA for gravitational wave and Hyper-Kamiokande for neutrino astronomy. For the domestic, i.e., Korean, efforts for the multi-messenger astronomy, we are also members of KGWG (Korean Gravitational Wave Group) and KNO (Korean Neutrino Observatory).



My publication list is maintained and updated regularly by the UNIST administration. Please visit my section of ScholarWorks@UNIST.